Shane Kim: Natal About "Winning This Generation"


Microsoft's Shane Kim thinks that Natal is more than just a gameplay widge, and to a higher degree just a reaction to the popularity of the Wii – in fact, says Kim, he views it as the key to the Xbox 360 "winning" this console generation.

Some Microsoft and Sony demoed their individual new motion control technologies at this year's E3, and while the PS3 wand is for certain cool in its own rectify, it hasn't generated as much buzz as Microsoft's Jut out Alteration – in part due to the efforts of Peter Molyneux and his virtual 12-year-Anglo-Saxon boy. Motion controls are all well and good, but if Natal does what it says it does, that could be an entirely new revolution.

Naturally, that's a very big "if." Tranquillise, Shane Kim is confident that information technology will satisfy expectations – of flow, as Microsoft Corporeal VP for the Xbox 360 section, the fact that He'd say sol is hardly stunning. Still, in an interview with OXM, Kim expresses belief that after it launches, Modification leave exist seen as more than just an endeavor to capitalize on the success of the Wii. In fact, Kim believes that Natal is the key to Microsoft's eventual victory in that round of the console wars:

The genesis isn't over, and we'Ra not winning yet … Our goal is to win, always has been. We want to have hundreds of millions of customers, whether that's connected 360 or along Live, and that's our vision. That's what Project Natal is about. Natal is not around responding to Nintendo and what they make with Wii, it goes well on the far side what Nintendo and Sony are doing.

This is about unlocking the potential and breaking down all the barriers that remain that prevent people who are intimidated or feel awkward with a controller in their hand – anything that prevents them from jumping in and having a great time with Xbox 360 and Xbox Springy.

Immense words, Shane. It's certainly easy to go out the potential in Natal, merely realizing that electric potential is another thing completely. Will it get non-gamers to peck the 360 every bit Nintendo has seen with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Wii? Maybe, just leave core gamers give IT much than a second glint? We'll see.



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